
Is Methadone Still Used For Opiate Withdrawal?

Addiction is an issue that should always be taken extremely seriously no matter what habit you are battling. However, opiate addiction will always demand professional intervention. Opiate addiction will cause you to go through serious withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit, even life-threatening ones. In most cases, it is important to check into a rehab facility to get the help that you need if you are addicted to opiates.

It’s normal to wonder what will happen once you check into a rehab facility, especially when it comes to detox. You may have several questions concerning rehab that you would like answered before you get there. For example, what is methadone? How do you take it? Is methadone still used for opiate withdrawal? Let’s read on to learn more about this very important subject.

What is Methadone?

In most rehab and addiction facilities, you will be given medication to help you during the withdrawal period. For decades, medical staff has used methadone to treat patients who are addicted to a variety of substances, including heroin and opiates. When methadone is prescribed by a doctor and taken only as advised, it is a safe and effective way for patients to come off of whatever opiate they have been using. While methadone is one of the most popular forms of medication for patients in rehab, it is not the only one. The rehab you choose will be able to tell you what medication they use during detox. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Opiates

The withdrawal symptoms from heroin and opiates are often tremendously grueling, mentally and physically. The symptoms that you experience will depend on a few factors, such as how long you have been using and the intensity of your usage. Everyone will experience opiate withdrawal in a different manner. Symptoms usually begin within the first 24 hours after you stop taking opiates. They may include the following:

• Anxiety and depression
• Restlessness
• Restless leg syndrome
• Muscle aches
• Excessive sweating
• Running nose
• Sleeplessness
• Irritation
• Anger

After the first day passes, the symptoms of opiate withdrawal will become more intense without medical intervention. They will include the following:

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Cramping in the abdominal area
• Diarrhea
• Rapid heartbeat
• Goose bumps
• Dilated pupils
• High blood pressure
• Blurred vision

Luckily, taking a prescribed and monitored dose of methadone daily will help you during the worst of your withdrawal symptoms. It will allow you to recover from your opiate addiction without feeling the majority of the above symptoms. In most cases, you will even begin participating in individual and group therapy while you are detoxing.

How Methadone Works

Methadone changes the way your brain and central nervous system respond to pain. When taken for opiate withdrawal, methadone will lessen the painful symptoms these drugs cause your body. The medication blocks the euphoric effects that most opiates, such as morphine, heroin, hydrocodone, and oxycodone, give you after you consume them. If you are already taking methadone daily, you won’t get the same high if you decide to ingest any other opiates.

How Do You Take Methadone?

If you check into a rehab facility, the doctor and other medical staff will provide you with the appropriate dosage once or more per day. In most cases, you will be given your first dose in the morning. Methadone can be taken in pill, liquid, or wafer form. It may also be injected into the body. The intensity of the medication will depend on the dosage and the way it is administered. For example, the injectable solution will give you relief much quicker than the oral method.

Methadone and other medications should be prescribed alongside a comprehensive rehab program that includes private and group counseling as well as participation in various 12-step support groups.

Call Our Rehab to Learn More Today

If you are ready to make the change in your life you know you need, give us a call at 833-364-0736. Opiate addiction is not something you should go at alone. It is an issue that will take over your life for many years to come. It can be almost impossible to get off of opiates without professional help, so stop in or call today to decide what your next step will be. We understand the importance of receiving the very best medically-monitored detox services, and we will make sure you get the help and care you need and deserve. We are here for you, day and night.