Cocaine addiction is a severe problem in the United States. It has been called “America’s number one drug problem.” It can be difficult to quit as well because cocaine withdrawal symptoms include intense cravings and depression. This blog post will discuss what you need to know about cocaine withdrawal and treatment options available for those trying to overcome their addiction.
Cocaine Withdrawal: What You Need to Know
The symptoms of cocaine withdrawal can include depression, anxiety, fatigue, drug cravings, and many more. These are very unpleasant feelings for a person who has been addicted to the substance. This is why it’s so crucial that you have your plan in place before quitting.
Many people turn towards treatment centers or rehab facilities which offer continual support through medical detoxification and individual counseling sessions with trained professionals like psychiatrists and psychologists. The most successful means of recovery involve both psychological treatments and social interventions such as case management services or 12-step programs (e.g., Narcotics Anonymous).
How Soon Does Cocaine Withdrawal Begin?
An addict will experience symptoms within 18-20 hours after their last use of cocaine. This means that they will feel their first symptoms on the day after their last dose (or sometime around then). Withdrawal from any drug begins with the sudden absence of that drug in your system. It leads to a range of unpleasant side effects characterized by cravings for more drugs, irritability, depression, sleep problems, restlessness, and even hallucinations. The intensity and duration of these symptoms vary from person to person, but here are some basic facts about cocaine withdrawal: Withdrawal usually lasts between 3-7 days.
The adverse effects peak within 2-3 days of quitting.
Some very rare individuals have been known to experience psychotic symptoms with no history of schizophrenia or other serious mental illness. The user often gets the impression that someone is “out to get them” or something like this has happened because of cocaine consumption. If you find yourself struggling with these issues during your withdrawal period, seek medical attention as soon as possible!
Can A Person Die from Cocaine Withdrawal?
Yes! If you are addicted to cocaine and are withdrawing (going cold turkey) without medical supervision, you could end up dying through several different ways: cardiac arrest or suicide among them. The best way of recovering from addiction is by getting help at a detox center where trained professionals will supervise your recovery process so that no harm befalls your health. Also, detox centers provide coping mechanisms such as CBT therapy sessions with an experienced psychotherapist or psychologist who has had experience dealing specifically with people struggling with cocaine addiction.
What are the Available Treatment Options for Cocaine Withdrawal?
If you are struggling with cocaine addiction, now is the time to get help. If you are nervous about seeking treatment, don’t be! Many people feel this way at first, but you must take the necessary steps towards recovery for your safety and overall wellness.
There is no easy answer to this question; treatment options will vary from one patient to another. People who have a strong support system in their family and friends often do not need outside help. In contrast, others may benefit from attending group therapy sessions or counseling with trained professionals such as psychiatrists or psychologists.
Yet others may decide to seek out 12-step programs for peer support and guidance through recovery. In general, quitting “cold turkey “is never a good idea because you will be entering into the withdrawal period without any social support, leading you to experience intense feelings of anxiety and depression that could increase your risk of suicide. This is why you need to find a way to get help during this process; don’t try and quit cocaine on your own!
Getting Help at an Addiction Treatment Facility: How to Make the Decision to Get Help
If you are struggling with cocaine use or know a friend, the cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be very frightening. Some people in this situation mistakenly think they need to take more of the drug to make it go away. And that doesn’t work; taking more only prolongs the agony and makes things worse down the road.
Getting help is both the best and most challenging part of recovery. It’s easy to decide you need help if you’re completely miserable, but it can be tough to admit there is a problem in the first place. No one wants to believe they have a cocaine use disorder or that their drug use has hurt them; they want all the pain to stop.
Getting help can be even more challenging if you are unsure where to turn or what sort of treatment option to choose. There’s so much information available that it can feel confusing and terrifying; you don’t want to do anything that could hurt your chances of getting off cocaine for good.
There are steps you can take, however, to help you make an informed decision.
Know What You’re Getting into in the First Place
Cocaine is a stimulant drug that affects both the central nervous system and the brain. Its effects include dilated pupils, increased body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, constricted blood vessels, reduced appetite, and tremors. The drug is considered highly addictive and can produce extreme psychological effects, including paranoia, anxiety, or even a psychosis-like state called toxic delirium.
If you are struggling with any of these symptoms, especially if they’ve been going on for a long time and have become severe enough to alter your day-to-day life, it’s time to think about getting professional help.
Getting help means finding a treatment center that can address your specific needs; not all cocaine treatment programs are alike. It also requires that you decide to get sober and stay clean.
A cocaine use disorder can be devastating, but it’s very treatable with professional help and drug rehabilitation programs. While in rehab, you will have access to quality care from professionals who know how to help you get off cocaine for good. Call us at 833-364-0736.