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Partial Hospitalization Program
Partial hospitalization, is a type of rehabilitation program that is designed to treat substance abuse and mental illness. The definition of partial hospitalization by Congress is an outpatient treatment program that is designed specifically for the active treatment or diagnosis of a serious mental disorder when there is reasonable expectation for improvement or when it is necessary to maintain a patient’s functional level while also preventing full hospitalization or relapse. Within the partial hospitalization framework, individuals who are being treated continue to live within their own homes, but report to a treatment center during the day. Depending on their own unique treatment needs, individuals may come into the treatment center anywhere from one to seven days a week.
The typical duration of stay within a partial hospitalization program is a short period of time. A Partial hospitalization program is a short-term and intense rehabilitation and treatment program Each individual’s duration of stay will depend on their individual treatment needs and requirements. Partial hospitalization is offered in both community mental health centers and within hospital settings. In order to be admitted into a partial hospitalization program, an individual must be referred by a physician that is highly knowledgeable about the individual’s history, support system, and illness. A typical day within partial hospitalization may include individual therapy, psychopharmacological assessments, check-ins with medical staff, skill building sessions, psycho-educational group therapy, and support groups.
Who is Partial Hospitalization Intended For?
Partial hospitalization is applicable to many different health problems and there are programs available for alcoholism, substance abuse, anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia. Partial hospitalization programs are funded by private insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid. The average cost of a partial hospitalization program is approximately $350 per day. Partial hospitalization is around half the cost of round the clock inpatient treatment. Providers of partial hospitalization seek to treat individuals who are experiencing acute illness in order to help them better understand their illness, develop coping skills, adjust to their medication schedule, set goals for recovery, and be able to function as a recovered individual. Keep in mind, partial hospitalization programs are not an alternative for inpatient care. For some individuals, attending a partial hospitalization program can reduce their duration of stay of full hospitalization or as a transitional period between inpatient and outpatient treatment.
Partial hospitalization programs are mandated to complete and pass comprehensive reviews from insurance, state, and national bodies. There are specific guidelines that must be followed for assessment, facility maintenance, treatment, client outcome studies, and performance improvement. After completing treatment, many individuals step down in their care level and enroll in an outpatient program which is less restrictive than partial hospitalization. Some individuals also choose to attend regular outpatient therapy sessions with a mental health professional. It is important to keep in mind that continued long-term support helps individuals maintain sobriety and achieve long lasting recovery.
If you or a loved one would like more information regarding partial hospitalization programs, please call our office. Our highly trained staff look forward to speaking with you and assisting you with your questions and concerns.
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