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Seacrest Recovery Center Texas
Your First Step To A New Life
Outpatient Program
Outpatient treatment for substance abuse can be the best option for individuals who have the drive and motivation to attain sobriety, but are not able to take a personal leave from their workplace, school, or responsibilities to enter into an inpatient rehabilitation program. Outpatient treatment programs are intended for individuals with mild or moderate substance abuse symptomatology. Inpatient treatment programs better serve individuals who experience severe substance abuse symptoms as well as individuals who are experiencing co-occurring disorders such as trauma, anxiety, or depression. There are several different types of outpatient rehabilitation so individuals are able to transition from intensive therapy and treatment to less intensive therapy over time.
Types of Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs
Outpatient programs differ in the number of hours per day and days per week individuals must attend. When looking for an outpatient program, consider your personal treatment needs. The top three most common types of outpatient programs include: high intensity outpatient treatment, low intensity outpatient treatment, and continuing care groups.
High intensity outpatient treatment, also known as partial hospitalization, is the highest degree of outpatient substance abuse treatment. Individuals participating in high intensity outpatient treatment usually are required to meet four to seven days each week for approximately six to seven hours each day. Some individuals begin their rehabilitation within partial hospitalization, while other individuals may transition into partial hospitalization after their stay in inpatient substance abuse treatment. Low intensity outpatient treatment is a transitional treatment program that entails a higher level of care. As an individual’s recovery advances from medically managed toward self management, they are able to decrease their involvement in rehabilitation and continuing care groups. Continuing care groups, also commonly referred to as aftercare, meet once a week. There are specific continuing care groups for certain populations including elderly individuals, women, and individuals with opioid dependency or addiction.
Another option for individuals who are interested in outpatient treatment is a recovery residence. Individuals who may need more support during their time in outpatient treatment. A recovery residence, also known as a sober residence, allows individuals to live away from home while also attending outpatient therapy. There are several types of sober homes with differing levels of support and programming including peer-run, monitored, clinically supervised, and clinically integrated. Peer-run sober living homes are single family residences that are run in a democratic fashion and encourage the attendance of self help meetings and house meetings. Monitored sober living homes have a resident or manager that lives within the residence and provides around the clock support and accountability. There are also mandated house meetings, therapy, and self help meetings within monitored sober living homes. Clinically supervised sober living homes are licensed, have an administrative staff that allows for oversight, a facility manager, credentialed staff members, and emphasize life skills education and development. Clinically integrated sober living homes generally offer clinical services within the residence and emphasize life skills development. Clinically integrated sober living homes are licensed and employ highly credentialed mental health and medical professionals.
If you or a loved one would like more information regarding outpatient therapy, give us a call. We look forward to assisting you and answering any questions or concerns you may have.
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