Research shows that the best way to overcome drug or alcohol addiction is by receiving professional treatment. Moreover, countless studies have determined that extended, inpatient treatment provides the best and longest-lasting results. With inpatient rehab, people have the opportunity to focus solely on getting well. During these programs, they are completely removed from the temptations, triggers, social connections, and environments that once contributed to or supported their addictions.
Unfortunately, however, it isn’t always comfortable or possible for people to make the long-term commitments that inpatient services require. If you’re currently considering your options in drug treatment, you may be worried about leaving your family for an extended period of time. Depending upon the nature of your illness and the impact that it’s having on your loved ones, going to rehab in Houston could be the best choice for everyone. Over time, drug abuse is guaranteed to result in personal loss. No matter how hard people try to mitigate and manage the consequences of their drug use, they often wind up facing serious legal and financial troubles.
They’re personal and professional relationships suffer as well. More importantly, drug use always takes a tremendous toll on families. This is especially true for households with minor children. Until you’ve dealt with your addiction head-on, your first loyalty will always be to your drug of choice. You cannot function effectively as a parent, spouse, or friend without first addressing your substance use disorder. Although it might be difficult for your family to have you absent for one month or more, the knowledge that you’ll return whole, healthy, and free of drug addiction will make any sacrifices that they have to make more than worthwhile.
Why Houston May Be the Best Choice for Your Drug Treatment
If you aren’t currently living in the Houston area, arranging to receive treatment in this city can be beneficial in a vast range of ways. To start, you won’t have to worry about finding yourself in toxic environments that invariably lead to drug use. You won’t have the same unhealthy contacts or associations, and you’ll have the benefit of a clean, fresh slate. Among some of the biggest and most common stumbling-blocks in recovery are co-dependent relationships, unhealthy and long-standing habits and patterns of behavior, and built-up guilt and shame. In a new city and living on a closed campus, you can effectively put all of these things behind you. Once you’ve successfully detoxed, you’ll be able to work with knowledgeable counselors to start understanding your addiction, and establishing a lifestyle that supports your recovery.
There are numerous support services and therapies that you’ll have access to during your drug treatment in Houston. In addition to receiving private counseling and participating in group therapy sessions, you can also engage in:
- Stress management activities and workshops
- Skill-building classes
- Goal-setting workshops
- Therapeutic activities for working through past traumas and rebuilding your sense of self-worth
For those who need it, there are also multiple options in treatment for comorbidities or co-occurring disorders. As such, if you also suffer from chronic anxiety, bi-polar disorder, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder, you can get help for these issues as well. If you have them, treatments for comorbidities will eliminate the need to self-medicate with drugs, and it will also increase your likelihood of keeping your recovery on track after you leave treatment.
The Best Way to Take Care of Your Family Is by Getting Well
One of the most important things that you’ll learn in drug treatment is that you cannot help others unless you can help yourself. Drug addiction is an overwhelming state to live in. By making a concerted effort to improve your state, your manner of functioning, and your overall life quality, you’ll be actively working towards becoming a better parent, a better, partner, and a better friend. Without treatment, you run the risk of losing your marriage, custody of minor children, your license to drive, your ability to practice in your profession, and more. While going away for treatment can be scary, your family will be far better off when they have you in their lives clean, sober, and with a clear mind. If you’re ready to start working towards a brighter, happier future by breaking free of your addiction, we can help. Call us today at 833-364-0736.