Drug abuse hurts both the addict and the family of the addict in many different ways. If you or a loved one is considering rehab for a drug or alcohol addiction, rest assured that you have made the right choice. Rehab and detox is the first step to a sober, healthy life! You may be wondering how rehab works and what you will be required to do while you are there. Is rehabilitation for drug abuses always an intense and involved process? We will answer this question below.
Who can benefit from rehab?
You don’t have to be at “rock bottom” or homeless on the streets to benefit from rehab. In fact, it will be the best decision of your life when you choose rehab over drug use, even if you are at the beginning of an addiction. Whether you are what is known as a “functioning alcoholic” or are on the verge of losing everything, rehab can help.
Everyone deals with treatment in a different way. If you are open and willing to accept help, then rehab may be a little bit easier on you. If you are struggling with the decision, the process may be a little harder. Whatever the case, rehab will always be the best choice no matter how you feel about it.
How intense is rehab?
The answer to this question will have to do with a few factors. One of those is whether you will be attending inpatient or outpatient rehab. Let’s look at the difference:
Inpatient rehab- When you check into an inpatient treatment center, you’ll be checking in day and night. Inpatient involves overnight stays for weeks or even months at a time. You’ll need to set aside personal responsibilities, such as your job or school, to be present full-time. Inpatient rehab is typically more intense and involved than outpatient. As a full-time patient, you’ll have access to round-the-clock care and a variety of services every day.
Outpatient rehab- Outpatient rehab is more causal than inpatient; however, it can still be an intense process when you dedicate yourself to the program. Outpatient services are often a better choice for a patient who still has to work, attend classes, or take care of family responsibilities. Outpatient centers provide sessions that can work around your schedule, either during the week, weeknights, or weekends. While you won’t have the same intense round-the-clock care you would get with an inpatient program, you’ll still receive a high level of care.
What is the process of rehab?
Rehab can be an intense process for an addict, but it’s important to do everything you can to follow the procedures. Remember, the more effort you put into rehab, the better you will feel. If you choose to go into an inpatient program, take this time to truly focus on your goals. Inpatient is often a better treatment solution for addicts who need supervision and structure. Since you will be following a structured treatment plan, it’s easier to stay focused and on track.
Therapy sessions are an intense part of the rehab process, but they are the most important for an addict. Your therapist will usually use a method known as CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT looks at your behavioral responses when you are faced with a specific trigger. Your therapist will help you identify these responses and then help you figure out new, healthier ways to deal with a trigger.
You may also be given a dual diagnosis while you are attending therapy sessions. If you are suffering from a mental health issue, such as OCD, PTSD, PPD, or depression, your therapist will take the time and energy to tackle your problem along with the addiction. Yes, this can be a more intense and involved process that can be hard to talk about, but understanding how mental health disorders go hand-in-hand with addiction can help you heal.
Additionally, treatment will consist of group therapy sessions with your peers. This is another avenue that allows you to express your feelings to people who clearly understand what you have been going through. Group therapy can help you develop socialization and communication skills. It also helps you learn how to accept and understand criticism from others.
Many addicts feel intense emotions during therapy, a normal response that is encouraged. We understand just how hard rehab can be, but we want you to know that you are safe with us. Give us a phone call today at 833-364-0736 to get started on your journey to a drug and alcohol-free life.