
What Are 6 Ways a Holistic Residential Drug Rehabilitation Center Fosters Long-Term Recovery?

When you are considering checking into a rehab facility for a drug or alcohol addiction, you likely already know a bit about the program. From detox to private therapy to sessions with a group, you’re prepared for it all. However, what if the center offered more than just the typical therapy sessions we all know about? The term holistic is one that refers to the practice of focusing on the “whole person” during recovery- mind and body both. Many rehab centers strictly believe that a holistic approach to recovery provides long-term effects.

Would you be more inclined to attend rehab if there were holistic treatments available every day? What are six ways a holistic residential drug rehabilitation center fosters long-term recovery? If you are curious about the answer, read on to learn more.

1. How Exercise Therapy Can Help

Getting enough physical exercise offers many amazing benefits for those in recovery. Exercise will improve your mood, help with your self-esteem, and improve how well you sleep at night. Getting regular exercise also increases your energy levels, a must for those who are used to turning to drugs for energy. Exercise also has the added benefit of getting your mind off of your struggles for a while. Studies have shown that people who exercise regularly are less likely to abuse alcohol or drugs.

2. How Art and Music Therapy Can Help

Have you ever listened to music to calm down after a bad day? Have you drawn or painted a picture to relax? Art and music therapy both offer a few benefits for those in recovery. Both are a great way for patients to express themselves nonverbally. Plus, you don’t have to be particularly skilled at art to enjoy the many benefits it brings. There is also no need to try to learn the guitar when you are in recovery either-unless you want to! Listening to music gives our brains something else to focus on other than using drugs or alcohol. Both are an easy outlet when you are stressed and struggling with cravings.

3. How Nutrition Therapy Can Help

Many addicts end up either severely underweight or overweight during their time with addiction. Many drugs and medications decrease the appetite, so someone abusing them will not want to eat. Alcohol and marijuana, on the other hand, can make a person want to eat, causing their weight to rise to a dangerous level. Many addicts don’t understand how eating healthy can help them in recovery, both physically and mentally. Nutrition therapy during rehab will show you just how important the proper nutrition is to our bodies.

4. How Herbal Medicines Can Help

There are a number of herbal medicines available that are often very helpful for recovering addicts. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about them or even understand how and why they are useful for our bodies. Learning about the benefits of herbal medications during rehab will give recovering addicts something safe and healthy to consume during the recovery process. Herbal medications are often used to battle the cravings addicts feel when they are not using their drug of choice. They are also often a healthier alternative to many pharmaceutical medicines prescribed today.

5. How Meditation Can Help

Practicing meditation and mindfulness is often encouraged during rehab programs. It’s one of the most popular holistic treatments available throughout rehab centers. Meditation allows you to become one with your body and mind. It is important to take time for yourself every day to relax and focus on the good in your life. Mindfulness means being present in the moment and mindful of your current surroundings. Both practices are extremely helpful during recovery, especially in today’s stressful world.

6. How Yoga Can Help

Yoga may seem like a simple solution for recovery, but it is another holistic approach that is popular in rehab centers. Yoga has been known to reduce the feelings of drug cravings and withdrawal symptoms and can help prevent relapse. The gentle, calm act of yoga provides recovering addicts a healthy outlet to deal with the stresses and triggers of daily life. Daily yoga sessions offer the following benefits:

• Pain relief
• Stress relief
• Higher energy levels
• Emotional wellness
• Better sleep
• Improved self-image and self-worth
• Promotes healthier eating and exercise habits
• Overall health improvement

Yoga routines do not have to be difficult. As a recovering addict, pull up a beginner’s yoga session on the internet if you are new to the activity. The more you practice, the better you will be!

Call Today for Additional Information

We’re ready to offer you the holistic treatments you have been looking for. Give us a quick call to learn more at 833-364-0736.