
drug abuse

Is There A Difference Between Drug Abuse And Drug Addiction?

When describing drug addiction, the terms “abuse” and “dependency” are frequently employed. Unfortunately, many people use these terms interchangeably. But do they refer to the same thing? In a nutshell, drug abuse is the continued use of drugs despite the abuser’s knowledge that they are harming their health and well-being. Drug addicts will continue to

Is There A Difference Between Drug Abuse And Drug Addiction? Read More »

Is It Okay to Have Tough Days and Want to Quit in Drug Abuse Rehab Centers?

Choosing to attend a rehab facility will likely be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make. It’s very important to remember that you will for sure have ups and downs while you are a patient. Rehab won’t be easy, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. Is it okay to have tough days

Is It Okay to Have Tough Days and Want to Quit in Drug Abuse Rehab Centers? Read More »

What Steps Does a Drug Abuse Rehab Center Take to Provide a Safe and Controlled Environment?

If your loved one is considering entering a residential drug or alcohol rehab program, you may be wondering how he or she will remain safe and drug-free. One of the factors that make rehab centers effective is the highly structured environment they provide. While treatment programs may vary, virtually all facilities have rules in place

What Steps Does a Drug Abuse Rehab Center Take to Provide a Safe and Controlled Environment? Read More »