Is a residential drug treatment program near me an option if I’m on parole? The answer to this in nearly every case is a resounding yes. Parole officers love residential drug programs. Not only do they like that you’re getting the substance abuse help you need, but they know exactly where you are at all times. This makes their job infinitely easier, and every single parole officer on this planet is totally down with that. In fact, parole officers are more used to stubborn parolees refusing drug rehab treatment, especially residential treatment. If you voluntarily enroll in residential drug treatment and actually complete it, you will gain the respect of your parole officer and make the remainder of your time on parole far easier.
If you show you’re serious about changing your life, your parole officer is much more likely to recommend your early release from supervision, as long as the laws in your state allow this in your case. Once parole officers are convinced about the sincerely of a parolee, they tend to pull back on the reins, readily grant requests and more generally leave you alone. However, never forget that a random drug test order could appear at any time, so it’s important to maintain your sobriety.
Protect your Freedom
No one wants to lose their freedom or rather lose their freedom again, in the case of a parolee, and parole officers would rather not violate their charges and return them to custody. For one thing, the revocation process involves a boatload of complicated, annoying, time-consuming paperwork. Then there has to be a hearing. If you demand it, your parole officer must attend. His or her recommendation for the amount of prison time for the violation may be reduced or even rejected at the hearing. Many state parole hearing boards tend to reduce the revocation time recommended by the parole officer for a non-violent offender at a formal hearing. Parolees know this, especially if the officer has made some allegations he or she can’t document or prove. There is then more paperwork after the hearing. Parole officers typically carry heavy caseloads and don’t want to spend time doing violations and extra paperwork if they can avoid it some other way.
Parole as a Resource
Depending on your state of residence, the parole department may offer many valuable services, such as transportation vouchers and bus passes, assistance with employment and clothes for job interviews. Depending on your state of residence, parole may help you get more job training and even help to pay for books, tuition, uniforms, tools and other necessary supplies. State funding varies and may not be available at all times, but parolees who have been cooperative and have demonstrated a willingness to try harder to improve themselves are the the ones most likely to get whatever assistance is available.
Parole officers often have direct and unique connections with drug treatment facilities, both inpatient and outpatient. Full funding may be available for you, so the treatment costs you nothing. Parole departments are big on drug treatment for two main reasons: They think it reduces recidivism, which saves the state money and reduces strain on parole officers, and they know that a very high percentage of prison inmates are in prison as a direct or indirect result of drug addiction to begin with.
Managing Your Parole
Entering a residential drug treatment program near you is virtually always an option for a parolee, but the time to ask for help is before you begin to commit new crimes. If you get arrested, especially for another felony, you will probably return to prison for both the new crime and a parole violation. The parole office isn’t a playground, and the people who work there aren’t children. Don’t play games. Get help while you are still just a parolee and not a jail inmate with a new case and perhaps years to do in prison again.
Give your parole officer the respect they have coming. It doesn’t matter if you like them or not. Parole officers have a tough, dangerous job and have little tolerance for nonsense. Just remember this: You and your parole officer actually have the same goal! You want to be off parole as soon as possible, right? Well, your parole officer would love to discharge your case, too. Just follow the rules and do what you’re supposed to. It makes no sense to cause trouble. You don’t have the upper hand and you will never win.
We Can Help
If you’re a parolee or someone you love is, we can help to find an excellent residential drug treatment facility able to work with law enforcement. It’s not a problem; we have lots of resources, and we’re here to help. Just call us anytime at 833-364-0736 and a trained counselor will be happy to assist you.