No one develops an alcohol addiction overnight. Instead, alcohol addiction typically develops over a longer period of time. For many people, the signs of addiction don’t become apparent to them until they have started to generate severe consequences on their life. When you’re asking how can someone say that I need help with alcohol if I’m working and paying my bills, you might really be wondering what others see that you don’t.
Making the decision to take an honest look at your behavior could reveal what they mean when they say that they are concerned about your drinking habits. You might have heard about functional alcoholism in the past. With this form of alcoholism, a person may continue to work and manage their other responsibilities.
While you might be able to keep this up for a while, the effects of having an alcohol addiction will eventually catch up to you. If you are curious about whether or not you could have a problem with alcohol, then try asking yourself these questions to begin thinking about how you and why you drink
- Do you day-drink on a regular basis?
- Do you reach for a drink to combat stress?
- Do you frequently drink alone?
- Do you take steps to hide how much you drink?
- Do you deny that you might have a problem?
Answering yes to any of these questions is concerning. However, denial is one of the more serious signs that you could have a problem with alcohol. Naturally, if someone has made the effort to bring the issue up with you, then they may have some valid points. They may even be dealing with the negative effects of your addiction on their life. For instance, your spouse might be worried about finding you inebriated in the middle of the day. Or, a coworker might notice that your productivity is dropping. When someone expresses concern, it might be worth asking them why they think that you may need help with alcohol. You might be surprised by their answers and feel motivated to take action after having an honest conversation.
Start Living a Fuller Life With Alcohol Addiction Treatment
When in doubt, it is best to check things out. Allowing yourself to stumble further into an addiction places you at risk for more serious consequences in your life that could include losing your job or even your spouse. For now, you might be working and paying your bills, but have you asked yourself if it seems harder to do that than is necessary? People who have functional alcoholism often put their minds and bodies through serious strain to continue to meet their responsibilities.
For instance, you might have forced yourself to go to work while you were dealing with a severe hangover, or you might have stayed up later than normal to make sure that you finished a report before you started drinking. Over time, most people can’t keep pushing themselves to their limits. Instead, heavy drinking will eventually take its toll on your health, career and relationships. As dire as the future may sound if you keep drinking, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. If you are still holding a job and managing your finances, then it is possible that you are still in the earlier stages of your addiction. This could also be a good sign that you have people in your life that are worth getting sober for.
Your family and colleagues could even be some of your biggest supporters as you decide to get sober. Seeking alcohol addiction treatment while you are still functioning well gives you a head start on improving your lifestyle. During your treatment, you’ll get the chance to explore yourself on a deeper level to find out what drives you to drink so much. In time, you’ll notice that you are better at handling your stress. Showing up sober to work and social events also helps you to be fully present, which pays off when you are able to build stronger connections. Since you already have a job, you can likely return back to your current workplace after you complete your first phase of treatment. Being able to begin your sobriety with a strong foundation helps you to recover faster and avoid a relapse during your transition back home. Has someone expressed concern about your drinking? Maybe its time to take them seriously. We can help you schedule an assessment to find out if you need help with alcohol. Give us a call today at 833-364-0736.