
Why Does Everyone Keep Pressuring Me About Going To Rehab? I Just Don’t Want To Go!

Substance addiction is a difficult event for numerous parties. In many instances, the dependent subject’s loved ones experience the challenges and pain of watching an individual they care for succumb to the throes of addiction and would often do anything to end the nasty cycle.

In such instances, relatives or other close associations might take the drastic action of attempting to convince the struggling soul to seek help. However, in certain cases, the individual in question does not feel their problem is major, resists such efforts and wonders why they are facing such scrutiny.

Such clashing forces could precipitate uncomfortable and trying circumstances.

The Reasons One Might Be Pressured

Chemical dependency in a sickness. Therefore, the focus of those experiencing such issues focus primarily on their addictions and do not see that said problem often forces them to engage in questionable actions or encounter changes in their appearance or personality.

Unfortunately, those closest to said subjects do notice appreciable deterioration and might react accordingly when noticing that the dependent:

*Is showing physical signs of addiction, such as weight loss, decreased appetite, experiencing increasing illness, and a declining physical appearance
*Is engaging in detrimental actions like lying or stealing
*Has spurned activities they used to enjoy
*Is experiencing a declining performance at work or school
*Is associating with different people or perceived bad influences

The is a list of typical occurrences. Family members or friends might pick up on any other type of different behaviors.

Tactics Loved Ones Might Employ

The close relations of chemically dependent subjects might employ several tactics geared towards convincing the ailing individuals to seek treatment including:

Offering Helpful Encouragement

Sometimes, people attempt to use tact and encouragement when trying to convince a drug addicted relative to seek assistance. Such efforts might include:

Considering Others Feelings

Loved ones might ask the dependent to consider how their habits impact those around them, such as their parents, siblings, spouses, friends, and children. Said personalities might attempt to illustrate that this behavior is impacting the health of such associations. Others might attempt to stress that continuing on this path might threaten future relationships.

Reaching One’s Potential

Some may ask the user to think about the damage drugs do to their brains and how such behavior could limit their potential to achieve great things moving forward.

Illustrating Potential Health Concerns

An addict’s friends and family members might try to demonstrate the impacts drugs can have on the dependent’s short and long-term health.

Aggressive And Forceful Persuasion

Occasionally, a loved one’s dependency can prove so disturbing and frustrating that the user is met with aggressive and forceful persuasion taking the form of:


Sometimes, it is simply too painful for a relative or close association to continue to watch the addict spiral downward. Therefore, said subjects react by avoiding the dependent as much as humanly possible.


Anger and frustration might drive relatives to threaten the dependent in question. Common threats that are often carried out include kicking the user out of their current living situation, cutting them off financially, and threatening to take their children away from them.

How Should The Accused Handle These Circumstances?

In a significant number of cases, the accused subject’s knee-jerk reaction is to respond with disdain and likely claim that they do not have a problem and those expressing concern are doing so needlessly.

Unfortunately, however, such responses often worsen the problem. As frustrating as these conditions might be, accused parties are asked to stop and realize these concerns come from people who truly care, believe they have a reason to worry, and wish to see the user once again be the person they always knew.

Moreover, the perceived dependent might wish to think about their loved ones claims. If enough people believe a problem exists, it very well may and should at least be seriously considered.

Can A Loved One Force A Dependent Into Rehab?

Several states have established laws affording loved ones the right to petition courts asking to be granting orders mandating treatment. However, those seeking such orders must clearly demonstrate that the subject under scrutiny possesses an addiction rendering said subject a threat to the safety and well-being of themselves or others.

Important Considerations

In an appreciable percentage of cases, however, the decision to seek help for a chemical dependency falls squarely on the subject carrying the burden. Rehabilitation stints are seldom successful on a long-term basis unless the hurting soul realizes that they have a serious problem and are willing to do whatever is necessary to conquer said demon.

Contacting Us

If you or a close association has an addiction, please reach out to us. Our Houston-based clinic has helped countless addicts from different cultures and backgrounds overcome their struggles and recapture happy, productive existences. For more information, call us today at 833-364-0736!