There is an increase in the number of teenagers addicted to heroin and those succumbing to heroin overdose. One reason for these rising numbers is the difficulty of quitting the drug. Getting introduced to heroin is easier than quitting. For many, the fear of quitting is related to the painful withdrawal process and the challenge of undergoing detoxification. Many try quitting but relapse due to the discomfort, lack of support, and pain. Undergoing withdrawal alone is not easy hence the need for some professional guidance and support.
Causes of Heroin Withdrawal
Too much heroin is dangerous for the body and can lead to death due to overdoes. However, many consider large quantities of heroin a solution to the intense hangovers. Whether used in large or small quantities, heroin users suffer from intense hangovers, especially at the beginning stages of addiction. Heroin causes pleasure and motivation by stimulating the brain to release excess pleasure hormones. When heroin levels decline in the body, one may desire more pleasure, forcing one to increase the drug intake. At certain levels, the small quantities may not stimulate the brain to release enough pleasure hormones, leading to increased dosages and eventual addiction. When you stop using the drug, the brain will no longer release the hormones, and the addicts begin to experience the opposite feelings. These feelings explain why sometimes the addicts become restless and helpless without heroin.
What Does Extreme Heroin Withdrawal Look and Feel Like?
The withdrawal is different and unique to everyone depending on the levels of addiction; hence the symptoms are classified into mild, moderate, and intense. Despite the classification, never underestimate these feelings; even the mild ones can cause a ripple effect to the body or drive one to resume heroin use. The mild and moderate symptoms include nausea, tiredness, muscle ache, abdominal cramps, and chills. For some addicts, the symptoms may be in the form of diarrhea, vomiting, restlessness, and extreme sweating. These symptoms majorly occur during the first month of quitting. During this time, one may experience general fatigue accompanied by mood swings caused by altered body and brain functionality.
Extreme Withdrawal Symptoms
These symptoms can last for longer periods depending on the type of interventions offered during the recovery process. They are psychological and physical, however, the psychological symptoms are more prominent than the physical. The victim experiences intense anxiety and depression accompanied by constant cravings for heroin. Depression and anxiety result in insomnia. The symptoms are intense and may require other medications to deal with insomnia and pain challenges. At this point, the pain-relieving and sleep-inducing medications are less effective than heroin, hence the need for constant monitoring. The physical symptoms arise due to the impacts of heroin addiction on body organs and tissues. Excess heroin affects key organs such as the heart and the brain. Upon quitting, one begins to experience faster heartbeats, hypertension, severe headaches, and sometimes seizures. The respiratory and muscle systems are also affected, making movement or performing ordinary duties cumbersome.
How long do the symptoms last?
The withdrawal symptoms can last for days or years depending on the level of addiction, the body systems, and how one responds to the process. The symptoms begin a few hours after the last dosage; they reach their peak within the days after which they begin to subside after one to two weeks. For those at extreme addition, the feelings can prolong for months or years. The duration of symptoms also depends on the level of support the victims get. Therapy, emotional support, parental love, and care can help the victim recover fast from the symptoms, especially when they engage in other activities. Facing these symptoms alone can result in relapse hence the need for support and guidance.
Overcoming the Withdrawal Symptoms
Despite the irritation, pain, and discomfort, many have successfully gone through the withdrawal symptoms and overcome heroin addiction. Quitting heroin requires team efforts accompanied by medically supervised detoxification. Seeking professional help such as therapy and counseling makes the process bearable and simpler.
The United States loses many young citizens due to heroin addiction and overdose. As a gesture of love, care, and concern, society should help these citizens through the withdrawal process to save their lives and build a better future. Heroin addiction is not a crime nor an embarrassment; it is a stage in which anyone can find themselves. Coming out of it and seeking help is the best means to correct the mistake and begin a life free from this bondage. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help. Our counselors are available 24 hours a day at 833-364-0736.