
How Taking Suboxone Make You Feel

The United States has a growing problem with opioid addiction. There has been an effort by the government to try and manage this crisis. To help address this problem, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given its approval for the use of Suboxone. This is a drug designed to help individuals who are struggling with opioid addiction. The downside of Suboxone is that it also has the potential to be abused.

Helpful Drug

Suboxone is a drug that has been used successfully to suppress the withdrawal symptoms of an opioid addict. It is a popular drug to use during opioid replacement therapy. Suboxone consists of two active ingredients. They are naloxone and buprenorphine. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist. It decreases the chances of an overdose. Buprenorphine is a partial opioid antagonist. It is designed to help an addicted person with their desire for an opioid. When these two drugs are combined, they form Suboxone. Suboxone must be taken as prescribed to obtain the proper result. It does contain opioids. Unfortunately, some individuals intentionally take large doses and develop a dependence on it.


It is common for people who are dealing with an addiction to abuse Suboxone. They do this because they miss the euphoric high they experienced by taking opiates. The chance of an individual becoming addicted to it is less, but some people do get high on Suboxone. It has become popular with prison inmates. They work to have it smuggled into their prison cells. Suboxone will create a calming experience when taken in large amounts. It can provide a sense of relaxation and well-being similar to other opioids.

How It Works

A person can be prescribed buprenorphine for their addiction to opiates such as heroin and others. This drug is designed to attach itself to a person’s brain receptors affected by opioids. Buprenorphine will block those receptors in a person’s brain. It will stay there longer than opiates. Suboxone binds the same receptors, but it isn’t an exact match. It doesn’t provide any euphoric rush associated with similar drugs. Suboxone works by tricking the brain into thinking it is an opioid but does not provide any sense of euphoria.


Suboxone has been successfully used in treating individuals suffering from opioid addiction. It must be administered properly for it to be effective. Suboxone should be given to addicts in small doses and with close supervision. Suboxone can be administered in various ways. This includes in the form of a dissolvable tablet, injection as well as transdermal patch. When a person is taking Suboxone as directed and is being carefully monitored, they probably won’t show any evidence of using it. Suboxone has been designed to help people with opioid addiction lead a normal life. They will not have to experience the difficult symptoms associated with the withdrawal from opioids.

Signs Of Suboxone Abuse

Should someone be abusing Suboxone, they may show outward signs. It will cause them to experience mild and long-lasting feelings of calmness and relaxation. They will also experience pain relief. They will have an increased feeling of well-being and a significantly lower level of anxiety. These feelings will last longer than any type of opioid such as heroin.

Short-Term Side Effects

There are certain side effects that a person will experience when they abuse Suboxone for a short time.

  • Memory Issues
  • Small Pupils
  • Diarrhea
  • Slurred Speech
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Apathy toward events happening around them


When a person has been using Suboxone for an extended amount of time, there is a possibility they will lose the ability to control their emotions. Some individuals have lost interest in sex, they may behave inappropriately to stress. It is also possible for people who are on it for a long time to lose their hair and more.

Doctor Shopping

People who abuse Suboxone will often start doctor shopping for multiple prescriptions. They will be defensive or deceitful about their use of the medication. When individuals start abusing Suboxone, they will eventually begin to once again use opiates. If someone notices the signs of Suboxone abuse, they should immediately contact a professional in the field of addiction treatment.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When a person suddenly stops taking Suboxone, they may experience withdrawal symptoms. This will seem like they are experiencing the flu. These withdrawal symptoms can last as long as seven days or more.

Suboxone is less likely to be abused than methadone. The potential for abuse of it continues to exist. Are you or a loved one ready to get help for your addiction issues? Call us today at 833-364-0736. We are ready to help you 24 hours a day at 123-456-7890.