If you or someone you know may be considering entering a drug or alcohol treatment program, you may be wondering what will take place after you enter the facility. Substance abuse programs help people who struggle with drugs or alcohol examine the underlying causes of their addiction and learn life skills to help them overcome obstacles to their sobriety. Self-actualization is often a struggle for people who become entangled in the vicious cycle of addiction.
What is Self-Actualization?
Self-actualization is commonly described as a person’s full realization of his or her own talents, ability, and environment and the internal drive to optimize those elements as parts of a whole without regard to external rewards. Examples of external rewards include money, fame, status, recognition, and power. Otherwise stated, a person who is self-actualized can appreciate and leverage his or her gifts without relying on others for motivation and praise. The term was first introduced in psychology literature by Kurt Goldstein. The came became more widely-embraced after Abraham Maslow incorporated self-actualization into his well-known hierarchy of human needs.
How Does Self-Actualization Relate to Addiction
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a pyramid-like illustration that places self-actualization at the very top of list of basic human needs. Physiological needs and safety appear at the bottom levels of the pyramid because they are more immediate requirements. Humans generally seek to meet the lower level needs before they can begin to address higher level needs like self-esteem, love and sense of belonging, and finally, self-actualization. When addicts reach a certain depth in their addiction, drugs or alcohol replace the lower level basic survival needs.
Safety, nutrition, and housing consequently move higher up and further out of immediate reach. In everyday terms, addicts often find themselves disregarding their health, frequenting unsafe locations and situations, and going without clean, stable housing and utilities in the interest of maintaining access to drugs. As the basic lower-level needs move higher up, self-actualization also shifts further out of reach. As a result, addicts often struggle with self-esteem and have strained relationships due to their addiction. For many addicts, an ongoing struggle with the higher levels of hierarch of needs, such as self-esteem, self-actualization, and needing to feel a sense of belonging are contributing factors to their addiction.
Alcohol and Drug Treatment Facilities May Help Clients Achieve Self-Actualization
Upon enrolling in an alcohol or drug treatment program, you will begin to work on identifying ways your substance abuse is impacting your approach to meeting your basic human needs. Counselors will work with you to evaluate each level in Maslow’s hierarchy and restructure your personal hierarchy of needs. First, your addiction counselors will help you develop the skills and connect with the resources you need to meet your lower level needs.
Many drug and alcohol addiction treatment clients derive a false sense of security and community with other people who abuse drugs and alcohol. Others continue to abuse their substance of choice to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Still others use drugs and alcohol to self-medicate underlying mental health disorders that require treatment. Enrolling in a treatment program will help you understand the hierarchical needs you may be attempting to meet with your addiction and support you in finding better, healthier ways.
Outpatient and Inpatient Treatment Options in Houston
Houston alcohol and drug treatment centers offer a variety of options to help people from all walks of life. Substance abuse treatment is not reserved solely for those who have high-quality heath insurance or the ability to pay out of pocket to cover program costs. Programs are available for individuals who have low income or no income. Treatment centers are also often able to work out a payment plan to make treatment more affordable for those who are unable to pay upfront. Individuals who are addicted to certain substances or who have been abusing drugs and alcohol for longer periods of time typically enroll in residential or inpatient treatment.
Those who are unable to reside full-time at a treatment center due to childcare or employment responsibilities may be able to participate in an outpatient or hybrid program. An addiction counselor will work with you to determine the best program choices that will meet your treatment needs and suit your life obligations and budget. To learn more about treatment centers that incorporate self-actualization into their program offerings, contact us today. Our addiction specialists are available to answer your questions and help you find your best path to recovery at 833-364-0736.