Getting help in fighting addiction is important. People tend to fare far better in their recovery efforts when guided by professionals and taking part in structured, multi-pronged programs. However, addiction treatment is always most effective when it aligns with the needs, beliefs, and circumstances of the individual. As such, there are currently many different options in residential drug treatment centers, and an equally diverse range of program types. From programs that encourage participants to rely upon a higher power to options that are largely focused on self-discipline and personal responsibility, it’s possible for everyone seeking drug treatment assistance to find an environment and philosophy that’s perfectly suited to their unique needs and worldviews. This ensures the comfort of all patients in their chosen treatment centers, and they’re ability to accept and understand the information and guidance that’s offered.
There are also short and long-term options in residential drug treatment programs. Short-term programs tend to last between 28 and 30 days. These are designed for meeting the needs of people who are unable to step away from their jobs, their familial responsibilities, or other obligations for any extended period of time. Short-term treatment in an inpatient setting is intensive and designed to move people through the earliest stages of the recovery process at an accelerated rate. Best for those with no history of failed recovery efforts and who’ve only being using moderate amounts of drugs for a limited span of time, short-term programs are often followed by structured outpatient and relapse prevention support. Conversely, long-term treatment options can span anywhere from one month to one full year. These services are often recommended for heavy drug users with addiction histories that span multiple years, and for those with numerous failed recovery efforts in their pasts. Read on to discover how the various options in residential drug treatment programs differ, and to learn more about finding the right option for you.
The Different Philosophies And Modalities Of Residential Drug Treatment Centers
Many of the most well-known options in residential drug treatment are faith-based. These programs work well for people who come from religious backgrounds or who are looking for the help, guidance, and support of a higher power. Treatment includes all of the standard elements of addiction rehab such as:
- Detox and withdrawal support
- Assessment and treatment for co-occurring disorders
- Group and individual therapy
- Life-planning and referrals for ongoing relapse prevention
One very noteworthy characteristic of faith-based treatment is that it often places a very strong focus on personal responsibility. Even as people are encouraged to acknowledge a higher power throughout their journeys, they are also encouraged to assume responsibility for their past and future choices and actions.
Health-based and holistic treatment centers strive to promote lasting wellness in patients by considering their overall physical and emotional well-being and then implementing the appropriate therapies and interventions. Like faith-based programs, these treatment centers provide the necessary, basic elements of addiction treatment, but often strive to counter temptations, cravings, and other triggers with natural solutions and strategies. Patients are encouraged to exercise, maintain balanced diets and good sleep hygiene, and to learn and practice multiple options in natural stress management. From yoga and meditation to nutritional guidance and support, holistic treatment centers seek to promote overall wellness as both a means for achieving sobriety and a means for maintaining it.
Dual-diagnosis programs or programs that are largely focused on co-occurring disorders or comorbidity, operate on the scientific understanding that secondary or underlying mental health disorders can be a primary cause of addiction. They help their patients by diagnosing formerly untreated conditions such as chronic depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and many others. By providing medical and other forms of treatment for these underlying issues, rehab centers can eliminate the need to self-medicate. Many people who live with both substance use disorder and untreated mental health issues turn to drugs or alcohol as a means for obtaining relief. Once this need has been resolved, many patients are able to enjoy lasting sobriety and higher quality lives.
There are also a number of programs that are largely therapy-based. These work well for people who have turned to substance abuse as a means for dampening the pain of past traumatic events, guilt, shame, unresolved grief, and early behavioral conditioning that undermined their self-esteem. Therapy-based treatment encourages patients to confront the underlying causes of their addictions, to become more self-aware, and to learn to listen to their bodies. In both group and private settings, patients can work on their communication skills, their ability to set boundaries, and their ability to establish strong social bonds among many other things.
When choosing a residential drug treatment center, you’ll also have the option of selecting a program or environment that places you among peers. Thus, if you are entering into your golden years, you won’t have to complete your treatment in the company of young adults unless you prefer to. There are residential treatment centers for those with disabilities, those with language barriers, and members of the LGBTQ community among many others. Taking the time to carefully consider your choices is a key part of identifying the right location and treatment philosophy for ensuring your success. If you need help, call us at 833-364-0736.